The story takes place in Limbo City, a modern-day city secretly controlled by all-powerful demons, manipulating humanity through the comforts of life, with the demons themselves living in a parallel plane called 'Limbo'. Living on the fringes of the brainwashed society is Dante, a young man at odds with the demons who constantly hunt him and the civilian authorities they control. The game starts with Dante waking up after a night drinking and having sex with a couple of girls he picked up at a local nightclub, then being warned by a mysterious young woman that he's in danger. After being pulled into Limbo, dressing and avoiding the clutches of a 'Hunter' demon, Dante is guided through the Bellevue Pier's carnival by the girl, who addresses herself as Kat, a psychic who can see into Limbo. After recovering his sword and his twin pistols, Dante defeats the Hunter, but is left confused when it calls him "Son of Sparda" as it dies. After returning to the human dimension, Dante is asked to join Kat in heading back to speak with her boss. Reluctantly, Dante accepts.
Processor: AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz or better, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 8 GB free hard drive space
Video Card: ATI RadeonHD 3850 or better, NVIDIAGeForce 8800GTS or better
DirectX: 9.0c or greater
Sound: Standard audio device
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